How Adult Foster Care (AFC) pays individuals for home care

How AFC pays individuals for providing home care for friends & family members

Adult Foster Care (AFC) offers support for both people in need of care who wish to remain in their beloved homes, and for their friends and family who actually provide them with care. In this article you will learn about AFC and how you can receive up to $1,500 per month for the work you perform in providing home care!

What Exactly Is Adult Foster Care?

AFC stands for “Adult Foster Care.” This program allows a family member or friend to provide 24-hour care to patients in their own homes. Caregivers receive a tax-free payment for their services—in order to reduce the burden of providing care. Adult Foster Care is often the solution for adults who are no longer able to live on their own but would like to retain the dignity and freedom of living at home.

The Team Behind Adult Foster Care

Behind every AFC provider like Entyre Care is a team of trained professionals. They work hard every day to make the lives of clients and their families a little easier and less stressful. In recent years, national recognition and support for AFC providers has steadily increased. Many agencies and organizations are working to ensure that even more people can benefit from these services.

The Adult Foster Care Agency Entyre Care

Entyre Care is regulated and funded by Medicaid. It seeks to help people who want to care for their friends and family themselves, and it relieves some of the burden by providing competent advice and fair payment. Let us help you care for your friends and family and receive up to $1,500/month.

These 4 steps will lead you to a fair payment for your care work:

  1. Meet requirements: Are you caring for a friend or family member? And do you live in the same household? Are you of legal age to work? Do you face a long-term care situation? If so, then you meet the most important criteria.
  2. Determine care needs: The care needs of the patient are determined during a personal visit to his or her home by a qualified care professional.
  3. Sign an agreement for compensated companion care: After signing the contract with Entyre Care, the caregiver will be paid up to $1,500 per month for the care provided.
  4. Get support: In addition to the personal visits by professionals, you can contact your personal professional nurse and coach for support at any time.

When you sign up with Entyre Care, you get the backup you need to avoid the feeling of isolation, and the remuneration you need to secure your financial future!

AFC pays individuals for providing home care

A Life with Adult Foster Care

Imagine that a loved one needs help. Perhaps he or she is no longer able to live independently at home as they had always lived before. This is where AFC providers give those affected and their families the security they seek. Caregivers for friends and family receive regular support from our dedicated team and patients can continue to live in their familiar surroundings.

Further information

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